Sex as part of your healthy habits
I grew up knowing only about the consequences of sexual sins more than the benefits. I never even thought there can be anything good about sex as long as it was always portrayed as a bad thing. I thought my parents will send me for detention for the rest of the year as soon as they hear I have become so very naughty at a very young age.
I mean up to this day the only thing and most pressing sermons at Church is against sex. Sex before marriage is a sin. Yeah, we know that! Funny enough most of the people who enforce most of these laws are already married, divorced some, others on adultery. Ok, that’s an accusation. I am so sorry about that. I was only pulling your arm.
Who would have thought we can even talk about this topic in a very public platform as the social media and vlogs. Sex has more benefits. If you don’t really practice any of it, it's fine. Have you noticed after having good sexual intercourse the sweat and energy that you have put into it? That can also bring down some calories. Sex is an exercise not unless you are practicing celibacy, fine. If you have sex more than three to four days in a week, chances you might lose a little bit of weight. Not in a bad way. However, you don’t really have to only have sex without participating in other body exercises. I mean running, workouts, and body movements including aerobics.
Many people have a list of things to do to stay healthy and either afraid to mention sex as part of the package to reach your peak. I am not a physiologist, I am just a runner. I promise after taking a couple of runs and exercises, you might be tempted to ask your partner to go under those covers a bit and do some service delivery. Yay! If he/she agrees. Have more and more sex to stay healthy.
What do you do when your partner doesn’t seem to be interested? Do you go and cheat or initiate one nightstand? Well, I am not your advocate, I don’t have an answer as problems at your house are different from mine. If at least the two of you can talk about it, who knows one will agree and allow you to go for polyamory or polygamy, open relationship. There are people who are no longer having sex as partners yet they are still together living peacefully and in harmony. It is because sometimes it’s none of our business how they make it work but we can always ask and acknowledge the beauty of it.
Sex is part of your life, it is not the whole sum of it. Similar to praying as part of your spiritual journey. Maybe yoga settles you alone, I really don’t know. What I know there is joy and a good feeling after a romantic and good sexual intercourse. Kids don’t really have to read this but hey don’t be surprised when they come home asking you the questions you’ve been hesitating to ask.
If you exercise often the balance in everything can be accompanied by sex too. Never leave sex out of the list of the workouts with your partner of course. If he/she is not ready the time you are on, continue with other chores, and get involved in the house. Read a book or go for that dance class or rap music if not a classic one. All up to according to your taste. Turn someone on and the favour will be definitely returned in due time. Maybe only romance, play around your body. No need for penetration all the time. Sex is also therapy. It is good too.