Malibongwe Sithelo
2 min readOct 3, 2022

We’re all vulnerable to rejection

Life is about setting goals, making decisions you wish you wont regret later. It is facing all the fears of the unknown. The only thing that bring about stress of all time is regret of not trying at all. Have you ever had a brilliant idea in your mind and never execute and later you see someone implementing the very same. We are all going to be rejected in some way or another. We do our best to avoid embarrassment and hurt. The fact remains, we will fail, lose and rejected.

Some of your ideas will be trashed and ditched out by yiur very own family members, friends and colleagues. I always have a meeting in my head every time must go for a jog, run and exercise. My other side of the brain will give all the reasons not to do it now. Part of me already see the consequences of not going at all. The fear of not trying at all in life is a lifetime regret to my exaggeration. What we amagine no one see it except the author of the exact imaginations.

Have you ever postponed telling someone about the feelings you have on him or her? You withdraw the idea of approach from the start. Only because you do not want to experience rejection yet again. Your kids have unlimited dreams like you used to when you were still small. It was because you knew nothing about losing and rejection. Until we tell our children the pain of embarrassment they are not vulnerable in their imaginations to any rejection. When you don’t know something chances as slim to even think of impossibilities.

Get used to feedback like; “we regret to inform you that your application has been accepted or declined.” A better candidated has been appointed. That is one of the rejections we don’t want to face. You might be used to such rejection but you always wish that wont be a case on your next resume. When a relationship ends yiu always with not to be the wromg party after all.

You will never know if something works pr will work out until you try it. The risk of not trying is costly. If you don’t try out something regret is your middle name. Losing is the best teacher at least you now know your weaknesses. Maturity is when you realise things that you used to fear the most don’t really matter anymore. Whether you avoid being rejected the fact of the matter someone will reject you until maybe you insist or convince them to reconsider your attempt.

Be open to possolibilities. Accept being defeated to start all over again if it means so or change the direction.

Malibongwe Sithelo
Malibongwe Sithelo

Written by Malibongwe Sithelo

I'm a freelance writer, a runner and a public servant in South Africa. I write about everyday life experiences.

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